Life Renewal
We all experience the brokenness of life. We desire freedom from pain and unhealthy habits holding us back from experiencing hope and an intimate walk with God. Life Renewal offers a confidential, supportive community where we share, pray and encourage each other, working through a 28 week program. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can be transformed to freedom, living in a right relationship again with God and others. http://www.liferenewal.ca/

Bible Studies
Mens bible study – Join us every Wednesday at 8:00 PM as we grow in our knowledge and faith in the Lord. Currently we are working our way through the book of Daniel. We are a tight knit group who seek to build each other up and support each other through. Contact us for more information.
Womens bible study – Join us every second Thursday morning at 9:30 AM. Childcare is provided by the attendees on a rotational basis. We are currently working through the book of James. Contact us for more information.
Friday night bible study – Join us every other Friday at 7:30 in Devon. We are working through the book: The View from above by Rev. De Gelder which is based in the book of revelation. Contact us for more information.
We also hold many social events, conferences, and children’s events in conjunction with our sister churches in the area. Some of these are: marriage conferences, financial literacy speeches, vacation bible study, song nights, board game days, teen camp, church picnic etc.